Selected conditions




Prof. Tamura Tatsuji, Center for Keifuk Rehabilitation.

“Eczema is used to describe different types of skin diseases that have many features in common. The exact causes of eczema are not fully understood. In many cases, eczema can be caused by external irritants. Let me introduce you to a patient who has recovered from a skin disease after eating antioxidant water. This patient suffered from eczema for 10 years and could not be effectively treated even with specialist treatment. The patient, who is 70, is the president of a car parts company. After the war, his lower limbs suffered from sharp eczema, which later became chronic eczema. He was treated many times in a specialist dermatological hospital.

The left limb reacted well to the treatment, but this was not the case with the right limb. He suffered from heavy itching, which after being scratched led to bleeding. In the last 10 years he has been observed and treated by many doctors. When I saw him, his lower limb around his joints was covered with bubbles. The reason for crying was serum leakage from bubbles.

I advised him to try and eat antioxidant water. He bought a unit and ate an antioxidant religiously water and used acidic water to bath the affected areas. After 2 weeks of treatment, the bubbles dried out. After a month and a half, the eczema was completely removed without a relapse.





Prof. Kuninaka Hironaga, Director of the Kuninaka Hospital.

“Mr. Yamada, head of the Police Research Institute, suffered from a serious allergy. He has been treated many times by a skin care professional, but without success. Then he started to eat antioxidant water. The allergy reacted very well and was soon completely cured. There was no relapse, even though he took all kinds of food. He was most grateful and excited about this treatment.

I also suffered from a severe allergy myself. Since I started eating antioxidant water, the allergy has been reborn. Since then, I have started researching the effectiveness of antioxidant water.

I found out that most allergies are caused by the acidification of the body, as well as by the consumption of too much meat and sugar. In any case of allergy, the antioxidant minerals of the patient are too low, which in turn significantly reduces the resistance of the body. The body becomes over-sensitive and develops allergies easily. To stabilize sensitivity, a calcium solution is injected into the vein. It is therefore clear that antioxidant water contains ion calcium, which can soothe allergies.

Ionic calcium not only helps the heart, urinate and neutralise toxins, but also controls acidity. It also improves the functioning of the digestive system and the liver. This promotes the natural healing capacity and thus increases its resistance to allergies. In some specific cases, diseases that do not react to drugs have been shown to respond well to antioxidant water.



Digestive problems

Prof. Kogure Keizou, Coghurt Clinic of the Juntendo Hospital.

“The stomach is easily nervous, both by diseases affecting the stomach and by other general diseases. In addition, any tension or anxiety in the nervous system often causes gastric disorders.

An important role of antioxidant water in our stomach is to neutralize secretion and strengthen its function. Typically, after 1 to 3 minutes of consumption of antioxidant water, gastric juice will increase to 1.5 times. For those suffering from achlorhydria (low gastric juice content), the presence of a water antioxidant will stimulate the gastric cells to secrete more gastric juice. This in turn improves the digestion and absorption of minerals. However, those of hypochlorite (high in gastric juice), water antioxidant neutralizes excess gastric juice. Therefore, it does not cause any undesired effects. According to a medical professor at the University of Maeba, the pH of gastric secretion will remain normal when antioxidant water is consumed. This demonstrates the ability of the antioxidant water to neutralize and stimulate the secretion”.




Use of ionised water in hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria

Prof. Kuninaka Hironage, Director of Kuninaka Hospital.

“Too much fat in the diet, which leads to cholesterol deposition on the blood vessels, which in turn restricts blood flow, causes most diseases, such as hypertension. According to the theory of a potato professor at Kyushu University with vitamin K (because vitamin K allows an increase in calcium concentration in blood), or with the consumption of more antioxidant water, the effectiveness of the increase in calcium content in hypertension is the most significant. Ingestion of alkaline antioxidant water for a period of 2 to 3 months, I observe a slow decrease in blood pressure, caused by the solvent capacity of the water, which dissolves cholesterol in blood vessels”.




Use of ionized water under gynecological conditions

Prof. Watanabe Ifao, Watanabe Hospital.

“Ionized alkaline antioxidant water improves body components and ensures effective healing of many diseases. The use of antioxidant water in gynaecological patients has proven to be very effective. The main reason for its effectiveness is that it is capable of neutralizing toxins.

The results are most relevant for the administration of antioxidant water to preeclamptic toxicokemic cases. During my long years of handling cases of pre-eclampsia toxicoxaemia, I found that women with pre-eclampsia toxicology who have consumed antioxidant water tend to supply healthier children with stronger muscles. A report from a survey among children in this group showed that the intelligence is above average.



Clinical evaluation of ionized alkaline water in case of abdominal ailments: Placebo-controlled double blindness tests

by Hirokazu Tashiro, Tetsuji Hokudo, Hiromi Ono, Yoshihide Fujiyama, Tadao Baba (Ohkura National Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology; Institute of Clinical Research, Riga Medical University, Second Department of Internal Medicine)

The effect of ionized alkaline water on abdominal ailments was evaluated by placebo-controlled double blindness tests. The overall assessment of improvement with ionized alkaline water was higher than with placebo control, and the effect was significantly higher especially with slight symptoms of chronic diarrhoea and abdominal ailments in case of general malaise. The ionised alkaline water group was not interrupted during the study and did not show any serious adverse reactions or abnormal test data. It has been confirmed that alkaline ionized water is safer and more effective than placebo.

Executive summary

The effect of ionized alkaline water on abdominal ailments was studied clinically by double-blind tests using pure water as a placebo. The overall rate of improvement was higher for ionized alkaline water than for placebo and the former proved to be much more effective than the latter, especially for slight symptoms. By studying the rate of improvement in each case of chronic diarrhoea, constipation, and abdominal ailment, the alkaline ionized water group proved to be more effective than the placebo group for chronic diarrhoea and abdominal ailments. The study was discontinued in one case of chronic diarrhea, in the placebo group due to exacerbation, while the alkaline ionised water group did not discontinue the study without serious adverse reactions or incorrect data in all cases. It has been confirmed that alkaline ionized water is more effective than clean water against chronic diarrhoea, abdominal ailments and general improvement (abdominal pain relief), and safer than clean water.


Since the approval of alkaline ionized aqueous electrolytes by the Pharmaceutical Law in 1966, due to its antacidic effect and effectiveness in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, including hyperactivity, indigestion, abnormal gastrointestinal fermentation and chronic diarrhea, they have been widely used in patients. However, no medical and scientific assessment of their validity has been established. Clinical influence of alkaline ionized water on gastrointestinal disorders was studied in many centres. In particular, we have tested the safety and suitability of ionized alkaline water in double-blind tests using pure water as a control group.

Subject matter and test methods

A total of 163 patients (34 men, 129 women, 21 to 72 years old, average 38.6 years old) with indigestion, abnormal gastrointestinal fermentation (with abnormal gas emissions and rugitus) and abdominal ailments due to irregular ejection (chronic diarrhoea or constipation) were examined as well as those with good consciousness. The double blind placebo-controlled test was carried out on ionized alkaline water and clean water in many facilities. In each of the houses in question, a commercial alkaline ionized water electrolyzer with a pump-driven calcium distributor was installed. The tested alkaline ionized water had pH 9.5 and calcium concentration 30ppm. Each of the placebo subjects used a water purifier that looks the same as the electrolyte and produces clean water.

The tested equipment was randomly assigned by a controller who scaled up the key code, which was safely stored until the tests were completed and the seal was reopened.

Each patient received 200ml of water in the morning at a total dose of 50OmI or more per day for a month. Before and after the tests blood, urine and stool were examined and subjective symptoms, intestinal movements and additional symptoms were recorded. After completion of the tests, the results were analysed on the basis of logs and test data.

Test results

(1) Symptom

Of the 163 respondents, 84 were ionized alkaline water groups and 79 were placebo, while background factors such as gender, age and basic disorders did not contribute to significant differences in results.

Overall rate of improvement

In terms of the overall rate of abdominal improvement, the ionised alkaline water group reported 2 cases of exceptional improvement (2.5%), 26 cases of fair improvement (32.1%), 36 cases of slight improvement (44.4%), 13 cases unchanged (16%) and 4 cases of exacerbation (4.9%), while the placebo group reported 4 (5.2%), 19 (24.7%), 25 (35.1%), 27 (2 (35.5%). Comparison of ionized alkaline water with placebo showed no significant difference at 5% significance according to the Wilcoxon test, although the ionized alkaline group turned out to be significantly more effective than the placebo group at p level of 0.22. The results of the comparison with placebo group showed no significant difference at p level.

By examining the overall improvement rates using the 7.2 test (without continuity adjustment) between the effective and the ineffective groups, the ionized alkaline water group had 64 (79%) effective and 17 (21%) ineffective cases, while the placebo group had 50 (64.9%) and 27 (35.1%) cases respectively. The results showed that the alkaline group of ionized water was significantly more effective than the placebo group at the level of p of 0.0.48. The results showed that the alkaline group of ionized water was significantly more effective than the placebo group.

Taking into account only 83 abdominal ailments, the overall rate of improvement in the ionized alkaline water group is as follows

(45 cases) consisted of 11 cases (242%), 22 cases (48.9%) slightly improved, 17 cases (44.7%) unchanged and 3 cases (6.7%) exacerbated, while the placebo group (38 cases) had 3 cases (7.8%), 17 (44.7%), 17 (44.7%) and 1 (2.6%) for the same category. The alkaline group of ionized water was significantly more effective than the placebo group according to the comparison between the groups (p value = 0.033).

3 Improvement indicator with basic symptom

The primary symptoms were divided into chronic diarrhoea, constipation and abdominal discomfort (dyspepsia) and an overall improvement in the study of the effects of ionized alkaline water was assessed for each of them. In the case of chronic diarrhoea, the ionized alkaline water group accounted for 94.1% of effective cases and 5.9% of ineffective cases. Placebo Group achieved 64.7% efficiency and 35.3% inefficiency. These results indicate that the alkaline ionized water group has proven to be much more effective than the placebo group. For weaker chronic diarrhoea, the comparison of the groups showed that the alkaline ionized water group was much more effective than the placebo group (p=0.015). In the case of constipation, the ionized alkaline group of water accounted for 80.5% of effective cases and 19.5% of ineffective cases, while the placebo group accounted for 73.3% of effective cases and 26.3 of ineffective cases. In abdominal dyspepsia, the ionized alkaline water group had 85.7% of effective and 14.3% of ineffective cases, while the placebo group had 47.1% and 62.9%, respectively. The alkaline group of ionized water proved to be much more effective than the placebo group (p=0.025).

(4) Safety

Since one case of chronic diarrhea in the placebo group was exacerbated, the study was discontinued. There were no such cases in the alkaline group of ionized water. There were 14 accessory symptom cases, 8 in ionized alkaline water and 6 in placebo, none of which were severe. 31 out of 163 cases (16 in the ionized alkaline water group, 15 in the placebo group) showed fluctuations in the test data, although the ionized alkaline water group did not show any problematic fluctuations compared to the placebo group. In two cases, in the placebo group and in one case in the alkaline ionised water group, the K-serum value increased and returned to normal after retesting, indicating that the changes were temporary.


In double blind clinical trials of ionized alkaline water and pure water, ionized alkaline water has proven to be more effective than pure water against chronic diarrhoea, abdominal dyspepsia, and general improvement (abdominal relief). The safety of alkaline ionized water has also been confirmed, which clinically verifies its suitability.